Saturday, January 19, 2019

CSS International Relations Solved MCQs 1990-2018

 CSS International Relations Solved MCQs 1990-2018

International relations solved mcqs 2012
1: The term "iron curtain" was coined by:
a) Sir Winston churchill
b) George Kennan
c) Harry Truman
d) None of the above
2: Social Contract Theory was given by:
a) Voltaire
b) Roussean
c) Jhon Locke
d) None of the above
3: Taunsa Barrage is constructed on:
a) Chenab
b) Ravi
c) Indus
d) Jehlum
4: Sierra Leon is located in the continent of:
a) Africa
b) South America
c) Asia
d) Europe
5: The UN charter consists of:
a) 110 articles
b) 111 articles
c) 112 articles
d) 113 articles
6: The former soviet union disintegrated in:
a) 1989
b) 1990
c) 1991
d) 1992
7: The idea of "State of nature" was given by:
a) Thomas Hobbes
b) Mechiaveilli
c) Mogenthan
d) Thucydides
8: The US military general dismissed from command during Korean war by president Truman was:
a) Gen Colin Powell
b) Gen Mac Arthur
c) Gen Douglas
d) Gen. EisenHower
9: According to Morgenthan, the primary national interest of a state:
a) to acquire and use power
b) to establish peace in the world
c) to enhance economic cooperation
d) none of the above
10: MacMohan line is the boundary between:
a) Iran & Afghanistan
b) Pakistan & Iran
c) India & China
d) China & Pakistan
11: The capital of Bhutan is:
a) Thimpu
b) Khatmandu
c) Bhutan city
d) None of the above
12: Former Yugoslavia consisted of:
a) 4 units
b) 5 units
c) 6 units
d) None of the above
13: Author of "Friends not masters":
a) Yahya khan
b) Ayub khan
c) Altaf Gauher
d) None of the above
14: Bretton wood conference was held on:
a) 1914
b) 1919
c) 1935
d) 1944
15: Freedom Flotilla was sent to provide relief goods to the people of:
a) Gaza
b) West bank
c) Jerusalem
d) None of the above
16: The person responsible for WikiLeaks Controversy is:
a) Steve Jobs
b) Rupert Murdoch
c) Julian Assange
d) None of the above
17: Who gave the idea of SAARC?
a) Zia-ul-Haq
b) Zia-ur-Rehman
c) Indira Gandhi
d) None of the above
18: The concept of "security dilemma" was first elaborated by:
a) H.J.Morgenthan
b) John Herz
c) Kenneth Waltz
d) None of the above
19: The arab spring started from:
a) Libya
b) Syria
c) Egypt
d) Lebanon
20: The World Trade Organisation came into existence in:
a) January 1994
b) January 1995
c) January 1996
d) None of the above

Solved mcq's of IR paper 2013

1- "Theory of International Politics" has been written by
c- Kenneth Waltz

2- League of Nations was formed after the treaty of
a- Versailles

3- Yalta conference was held in the year
c- 1945

4- NATO stands for
d- North Atlantic Treaty Organization

5- Pakistan became part of SEATO in the year
b- 1955

6- Perestroika and Glasnost reforms were introduced by
b- Garbachev

7- After the Cold War, Pakistan was subjected to sanctions under
e- none of these
(Pressler amendment is related to Pakistan but that is related to Nuclear program of Pakistan)

8- NPT came into effect in the year
c- 1970

9- Warsaw is the capital of
b- Poland

10- The headquarter of Conference of Disarmament(CD) is in
b- Geneva

11- The Bandung Conference was attended by
c- 29 countries

12- Easing of tension between rival states is called
c- Detente

13- "Imperialism: The Highest stage of Capitalism" was written by
c- Lenin

14- The island of Diego Garcia is situated in
a- Indian ocean

15- The island of Diego Garcia is situated in
d- 8 years

16- The treaty signed in 1991 for the reduction of strategic weapons was

17- The absense of centralized authority at the international level is called
b- Anarchy

18- To frighten one's enemy into inaction is called
e- none of these

19- Balfour declaration was signed in the year
a- 1927

20- The famous diplomat of Pakistan who also remained the president of ICJ was
a- Zafarullah Khan
International Law MCQs 2016 

1. One of the modes of acquiring state territory is: 
(a) Jurisdiction (b) occupation (c) insurgency (d) None of these 

2. The name of the present secretary general of the UN is: 
(a) Kofi Anaan (b) Boutros Ghali (c) Ban Ki Moon(d) None of these 

3. The preamble to the universal declaration on human rights was adopted on: 
(a) 12 Jan 1949 (b) 10 Dec 1948 (c) 6th Aug 1947 (d) None of these 

4. The right of innocent passage means: 
(a) right of a foreign merchant ship to pass un-hindered through the territorial sea of the cost 
(b) Not to publicize dangers to navigation in the sea 
(c) To overlook regulations of marri-time traffic 
(d) None of these 

5. The basic frame work for the nature and characteristics of treaties was defined in the: 
(a) Vienna convention on the law of treaties 1969 
(b) Geneva convention on the high seas 1958 
(c) Vienna convention on the law of treaties 1986 
(d) None of these 

6. Withdrawal of recognition is more easily achieved with respect to: 
(a) Defacto recognition 
(b) Collective Recognition 
(c) Implied Recognition 
(d) None of these 

7. The father of International Law is: 
(a) David Dudley field (b) Hugo Grotius (c) Jeremy Bentham (d) None of these
8. Internal waters of a state are, such waters which are: 
(a) found on the land-ward side of base line from which the territorial sea is measured. 
(b) Adjacent to the exclusive fisheries zone. 
(c) waters flowing into the high Seas 
(d) None of these 

9. The doctrine of open sea was elaborated by:
(a) Blunt schilli (b) Pufendorf (c) Grotius (d) None of these 

10. According to article 3 of the 1982 convention on the law of the sea the breadth of the territorial sea is: 
(a) 10 miles (b) 12 miles (c) 14 miles (d) None of these 

11. The term Men of War signifies: 
(a) Military personal (b) A warship (c) An aircraft carrier (d) None of these 

12. The number of judges constituting the international court of justice are: 
(a) 15 (b) 12 (c) 10 (d) None of these 

13. Terra Nullius means: 
(a) Island in the sea (b) No territory (c) Territory belonging to no state (d) None of these 

14. The Acronym WMD stands for: 
(a) Western missile defense 
(b) Weapons of mass destruction 
(c) World Meteorological Department 
(d) None of these 

15. Hot pursuit is the principle designed to ensure: 
(a) Vessels violating rules of coastal state cannot escape punishment by fleeing to high sea’s 
(b) Capture 
(c) Cancellation of Registration 
(d) None of these 

16. Piracy, according to law of sea convention 1982 is: 
(a) An illegal act by crew of private ship on the High Seas. 
(b) An act of sabotage 
(c) Act permissible in certain cases 
(d) None of these

17. The general assembly of the UN is: 
(a) The most powerful organ (b) A supervisory body (c) An elected House (d) None of these 

18. The charter of the UN is a comprehensive document having: 
(a) 112 articles (b) 111 articles (c) 108 articles (d) None of these 

19. One of the amicable means of settling state disputes is: 
(a) Conciliation (b) Blockade (c) War (d) None of these 

20. The bulk of the rules of International law are derived from: (a) Judicial decisions (b) work of publicists (c) Customs (d) None of these

International Law MCQs 2017
Paper 1 MCQs

1st chair for woodrow wilson center= zimmerman
neorealism concepts structuralism, geopolitics fp etc
balance of threa, walt
offensive/defensive neo realism, Power+Security maximizer
Realist+Rational+revolution smthng theory
Detente relaxation
graham allison FP decision, rational actor+bureaucracy+state decision
Constructivism main person
tragedy of gr8 power politics, mearshimer
newest state, sudan probably
Russia is semi presidential
French PM
US electoral college = 538
IBRD = int bank on development reconstruction
ostopolitik = east...
Gatt = trade tariff
Complex INterdependence = robert kohane + joseph nye
GDR = East Germany
Dayton Peace = bosnia

Paper 2 MCQs

Defense Minister khawaja
CPEC route ?
Zarb e azab 15/6
Yemen strike 26/3
CO2 emissions china
Higher then hope mandella
mi5 uk
Modern Slavery bill uk
No army = iceland
Nato Sec Gen = Stollenberg
Eurozone = 18
Weapon exports USA
largest Gas = Russia i think
Iran Pak = Peace Pipe
Peace Angel 2014 = Sino Pak
APS 16 dec
Bandung 1955
Peaceful Coexistance = Kruschev
92 environment conf = rio
rise & fall of gr8 power = paul kennedy
International Law MCQs 2018

1 comment:

  1. Resspected MAm, IR MCQs paper till 2013. Please make sure your remaining kind effort till 2019.

