Thursday, October 18, 2018

CSS US HISTORY 2000 to 2018

History of USA 2000

(1) America was named after:

(a) Christopher Columbus 
(b) Amerigo Vespucci

(c) Ferdinand Magellan

(2) How many British Colonies declared independence from England in 1776 to form the United States?

(b) 20
(c) 51

(3)The Boston Tea Incident took place in:

(a) 1770
(c) 1789

(4) California was settled most rapidly after_____________ was discovered in 1848:
(a) gold
(b) coal
(c) natural gas

(5)With which country U.S.A. signed the rush-Bagot Treaty?

(a) Britain

(b) France
(c) spain

(6) who succeeded president Abraham Lincoln?

(a) Ulysses S. Grant
(b) Martin Van Buren
(c) Andrew Johnson

(7) Alaska was purchased from Russia in:

(a) 1857
(b) 1867
(c) 1901

(8) Susan B. Anthony was an outspoken advocate of:
(a) Women’s rights
(b) Anti Slavery Movement
(c) Transcendentalism

(9) Ku Klux Klan was organized in the state of:
(a) New Jersey
(b) Florida
(c) Tennessee

(10) Who were carpetbaggers?

Ans: Carpetbaggers were Northern businessmen who arrived in the South in the early days of Reconstruction (1865–77) period after the Civil War in the United States.

(11) The number of members of American Senate is:

(a) 55
(b) 100
(c) 300

(12) Who was Henry A. Kissinger?

Ans: Henry Alfred Kissinger was the 56th Secretary of State of the United States from 1973 to 1977.

(13)The Camp David is located in:

(a) Maryland

(b) Louisiana
(c) Texas

(14) Which American President received the Nobel Prize for peace in 1906?

(a) Andrew Jackson
(b) Harry S. Truman
(c) Theodore Roosevelt

(15) Richard Nixon made a trip to Beijing in:

(a) 1962
(b) 1972
(c) 1977

(16) Who was the President of U.S.A. when Russia invaded Afghanistan in early 1980?
(a) Jimmy Carter 
(b) Herbert C. Hoover
(c) Ronald Reagan

(17) What does NASA stand for?

Ans: National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

(18) Which year TVA was established?

(a) 1930
(b) 1933
(c) 1955

(19) To which political party did President Woodrow Wilson belong?

(a) Whig
(b) Republican
(c) Democratic

(20) Who wrote "Encyclopedia of American History"?

(a) Morris, Richard and Commager 

(b) Rubin, Barry
(c) Siring, Lawrence

History of USA 2001

(1) The total number of the British Colonies founded in Colonial America were:

(a) Thirteen
(b) Fifteen
(c) Twenty

(2) The “Sons of Liberty” was formed in:

(a) 1765
(b) 1767
(c) 1776

(3) The Peace Treaty of American Independence in 1783 was signed in the city of:

(a) Philadelphia
(b) London
(c) Paris

(4) Which one of the following enjoys the title of “Father of American Constitution”:

(a) Jefferson
(b) Washington
(c) Madison

(5) The first Ten Amendments to the Constitution of US ratified in 1791 are known as:

(a) Bill of Constitution
(b) Bill of Rights
(c) Bill of Justice

(6) The first Secretary of State of US was:

(a) Hamilton
(b) Jefferson
(c) John Adams

(7) The Great Depression of 1929 lasted for:

(a) Three years
(b) Four years
(c) A decade

(8) The XYZ affairs took place between:

(a) US-England
(b) US- Russia
(c) US-France

(9) Cornwallis surrendered to the American and French troops at:

(a) Yorktown
(b) Gettysburg
(c) Saratoga

(10) The battle of Bull Run was fought in:

(a) The American War of Independence
(b) The American Civil War
(c) The US-Spanish War

(11) Panama Canal was officially opened in the year:

(a) 1812
(b) 1906
(c) 1914

(12) On August 26, 1920 the 19th Amendment to US Constitution gave voting right to:

(a) Women
(b) Negroes
(c) Indians

(13) NATO was established in the year:

(a) 1949
(b) 1952
(c) 1953

(14) In 1900 the Open Door Policy was adopted with respect to:

(a) Japan
(b) South America
(c) China

(15) The book “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” was written by:

(a) Monica Lewinsky
(b) Paula Jones
(c) Harriet Beacher

(16) The Truman Doctrine was mainly designed to extend economic assistance to:

(a) Turkey-Iraq
(b) Turkey-Egypt
(c) Turkey-Greece

(17) The 26th Amendment in 1971 lowered the voting age to:

(a) 18
(b) 19
(c) 21

(18) The term “Big Stick Diplomacy” is associated with President:

(a) T. Roosevelt
(b) Carter
(c) Reagan

(19) During the American Civil War, the President of Confederacy was:

(a) Jefferson Davis
(b) Abraham Lincoln
(c) Johnson

(20) Judges of the American Supreme Court are appointed by:

(a) President

(b) Senate
(c) Congress

History of USA 2002

(1) Total articles in United States Constitution are:

(a) XIII
(c) VXI
(d) None of these

(2) Atlantic Charter dates back to:

(a) 1946
(b) 1941
(c) 1827

(3) Attack on Pearl Harbour took place in:

(a) 1918
(b) 1941
(c) 1939

(4) _____________ was the second state of ratify the constitution.

(a) Maine
(b) New York
(c) Pennsylvania

(5) Bill Clinton was _______ President of United States:

(a) 42nd 
(b) 33rd
(c) 51st

(6) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in:

(a) 1979
(b) 1962
(c) 1968

(7) Total number of states in US is:

(a) 51
(b) 50
(c) 13

(8) Dred Scott decision of the Supreme Court of U.S.A. declaring slave a chattel was given in:

(a) 1823
(b) 1857
(c) 1893

(9) Gadsden Purchase was ratified in:

(a) 1823
(b) 1853
(c) 1911
(d) None of these

(10) Stamp Act was passed in:

(a) 1688
(b) 1765
(c) 1797

(11) Complete diplomatic relations between US and China were established in:

(a) 1979
(b) 1981
(c) 1982

(12) _____________ state is known as sunshine state:

(a) California
(b) Nebraska
(c) Florida 

(13) _____________ state is known as Golden Gate state:

(a) Oklahoma
(b) Ohio
(c) Virginia
(d) None of these

(14) _____________ state is known as Sooners state:

(a) Arizona
(b) Texas
(c) North Dakota
(d) None of these

(15) What does ANZUS stand for?

Ans: Australia, New Zealand, & United States.

(16) Treaty of Ghent ended War of 1812 between USA and:

(a) France
(b) Great Britain 
(c) Belgium

(17) Gettysburg Address was delivered by:

(a) President Lincoln

(b) George Washington
(c) Carter

(18) Columbus discovered America in:

(a) 1388
(b) 1688
(c) 1788
(d) None of these

(19) Louisiana which doubled the size of USA was purchased for:

(a) 150 million $
(b) 15 million $
(c) 15 billion $

(20) Dean Rusk was:

(a) Secretary of Defence
(b) Secretary of State
(c) Secretary of Interior

History of USA 2003

(1) James Town was founded in:

(a) 1607
(b) 1609
(c) 1611

(2) Who wrote “The White House Years”?

(a) Monica Lewinsky
(b) Jacky Kennedy
(c) Henry Kissinger

(3) “I have a dream.” Who delivered this oration?

(a) John F. Kennedy
(b) Rev. Martin Luther King
(c) Bill Clinton

(4) The Capital of New York State is:

(a) New York
(b) Syracuse
(c) Albany

(5) Abolitionism was to:

(a) Ban Alcohol
(b) Ban Slavery
(c) Ban Child Labour

(6) Before Civil War the Principal Crop of the South was:

(a) Tobacco
(b) Cotton
(c) Rice

(7) Henry Clay was a:

(a) Musician
(b) Businessman
(c) Sportsman
(d) None of these

(8) US entered the Second World War in:

(a) 1939
(b) 1940
(c) 1941

(9) Gold Rush in California took place in:

(a) 1842
(b) 1849
(c) 1852
(d) None of these

(10) The Civil Right Act was passed in:

(a) 1964
(b) 1965
(c) 1966

(11) Louis Armstrong was a:

(a) Pianist
(b) Drummer
(c) Trumpeter

(12) ‘Four Freedoms’ were announced by:

(a) Truman
(b) Wilson
(c) FDR

(13) Affirmative Action policy is to help:

(a) Whites
(b) Blacks
(c) Women
(d) None of these

(14) Rockefellers made their fortune in:

(a) Oil
(b) Steel
(c) Railroads

(15) The Liberty Bell is located in:

(a) Washington D.C.
(b) New York
(c) Pennsylvania

(16) Which state was known as Lone Star Republic?

(a) California
(b) Texas
(c) Ore gone

(17) MORMONS are settled in:

(a) Nevada
(b) Utah
(c) New Mexico

(18) BABE RUTH was a:

(a) Priest
(b) Political Agitator
(c) Player

(19) The total number of British colonies in North America was:

(a) 11
(b) 13
(c) 15

(20) The Declaration of Independence was written by:

(a) George Washington
(b) Thomas Jefferson
(c) John Adams

History of USA 2004

(1) America was named after:

(a) Christopher Columbus
(b) Amerigo Vespucci
(c) George Washington

(2) The Peace Treaty of American Independence in 1783 was signed in the City of:

(a) Philadelphia
(b) London
(c) Paris
(d) Washington D.C

(3) “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” has been written by:

(a) Harriet Beacher 
(b) Paula Jones
(c) Monica Lewinsky

(4) American Colonization Society was to:

(a) Support American expansionism
(b) Support anti slavery movement
(c) Settle Negros in Africa

(5) The only President to enjoy four terms:

(a) George Washington
(b) Thomson Jefferson
(c) Andrew Jackson
(d) Franklin D. Roosevelt

(6) The ‘Gold Rush’ of California occurred in:

(a) 1848
(b) 1862
(c) 1865
(d) 1914

(7) Next to Cotton the most valuable American export in 1860 was:

(a) Cotton manufacturers
(b) Tobacco
(c) Wheat
(d) Lumber

(8) Who were called indentured servants?

(a) Indians
(b) Europeans
(c) Black
(d) British

(9) French aid the American Revolutionary War because:

(a) The French Government was devoted to democratic ideas
(b) The Estate General forced the King to help
(c) The French expected to regain Louisiana 
(d) The French wanted revenge on England

(10) The Constitution of the United States provides that amendments may be proposed by:

(a) Congress
(b) The President
(c) Governors of the States
(d) States Conventions

(11) “Common Sense” suggested:

(a) Reconciliation with England
(b) Commonwealth Status with England
(c) Protest against Parliament 
(d) Rebellion against the King

(12) What Revolution in Europe was influenced most directly by American Revolution:

(a) Industrial Revolution
(b) French Revolution 
(c) Glorious Revolution
(d) Puritan Revolution

(13) The First Bank of the United States was:

(a) A Private Corporation
(b) Government’s Institution
(c) City worker’s operated
(d) Industrial management

(14) In 1800 most of the Americans were:

(a) Veterans
(b) Hunters
(c) Tradesmen
(d) Farmers

(15) “Muckrakers” were:

(a) Black city workers
(b) White Racists
(c) Journalists

(16) American Women got the right to vote in:

(a) 1865
(b) 1920
(c) 1945

(17) The United States gained Texas from:

(a) Mexico
(b) Spain
(c) France
(d) Great Britain

(18) Which is the fastest growing minority group in America:

(a) Blacks
(b) Asian Americans
(c) Red Indians
(d) Hispanics

(19) The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour in:

(a) December 1940
(b) December 1941
(c) December 1942

(20) The only President who was elected more than twice:

(a) George Washington
(b) Andrew Jackson
(c) Franklin D. Roosevelt

History of USA 2005

(1) Virgin Island were purchased from:

(a) Spain
(b) Denmark
(c) Portugal

(2) Rhode Island was _________ state to enter original 13 States which joined the Union.

(a) First
(b) Last
(c) Penultimate

(3) Philippine Islands were acquired by US in _________.

(a) 1909
(b) 1799
(c) 1899

(4) Puerto Rico ceded to US by _________.

(a) Spain
(b) Denmark
(c) Russia

(5) John Adams was _________ US President.

(a) Third
(b) Eleventh
(c) Twenty Fifth
(d) None of these

(6) Spain financed Westward voyage of Columbus in _________.

(a) 1492
(b) 1482
(c) 1472

(7) The Albany Congress (1754) was attended by delegates of _________ colonies.

(a) Thirteen
(b) Seven
(c) Eleven

(8) The Boston Massacre took place in _________

(a) 1763
(b) 1770
(c) 1773

(9) Oregon was acquired in _________.

(a) 1812
(b) 1839
(c) 1846

(10) The Gadsen purchase of 50,000 square mile of land was primarily for the construction of _________.

(a) University Town
(b) Railways
(c) Canals

(11) Black birding is _________.

(a) Seven
(b) Eight
(c) Nine

(12) Black birding is _________.

(a) Legal importation of slaves
(b) Illegal importance of slaves
(c) Legal hunt of birds

(13) Congress of US consists of _________.

(a) Senate, House of Lords
(b) Senate and President
(c) House of Representative & President
(d) None of these

(14) Article 1 of US constitution says, “No person can be a Representative who shall not have attained to the age of _________ years and _________ years a citizen of the US”:

(a) Twenty Five and 10 years
(b) Thirteen and 07 years
(c) Twenty Five and 07 years

(15) First _________ amendments were passed by the congress on September 25, 1789.

(a) Ten
(b) Fourteen
(c) Four

(16) KKK stands for Ku-Klux Klan

(17) Delaware State is nicknamed _________ state.

(a) Donkey
(b) Dog
(c) Diamond

(18) Era of Good Feeling was during the presidency of _________.

(a) George Washington
(b) James Monroe
(c) Franklin D. Roosevelt

(19) The slogan of ‘Fair Deal’ was given by _________.

(a) President Truman
(b) President Nixon
(c) President Andrew Jackson.

(20) _________ is known as father of the constitution:

(a) George Washington
(b) Samuel Adams
(c) James Madison

History of USA 2006

(1) Pilgrims fathers established:

(a) York town
(b) James town
(c) Psymonht colony

(2) Intolerable acts were introduced in:

(a) 1772
(b) 1774
(c) 1775

(3) Declaration of independence was written by:

(a) George Washington
(b) Thomas Jefferson
(c) John adams

(4) Cornwalis surrendered at York town in 

(a) 1777
(b) 1781
(c) 1783

(5) According to firs census of USA (1790) its population was:

(a) 3.9 million
(b) 4.5 million
(c) 6.4 million

(6) Supreme court of USA was established in:

(a) 1787
(b) 1789
(c) 1791

(7) Statue of liberty was donated to USA by:

(a) Germany
(b) Spain
(c) France

(8) George Washington died in:

(a) 1797
(b) 1799
(c) 1801

(9) 1st chief justice of USA was:

(a) J.Mashal
(b) J.Adams
(c) J.Jay

(10) USA constitution was adopted in:

(a) 1786
(b) 1789
(c) 1791
(d) None of these

(11) Jefferson bought Louisiana from:

(a) Spain
(b) Germany
(c) France

(12) Monroe doctrine was:

(a) A document of land purchase
(b) A statement of foreign policy
(c) A policy of slavery

(13) Abolitionists wanted to abolish:

(a) Income tax
(b) Land revenue
(c) Slavery

(14) Name the president famous for his fourteen points:

(1) Jefferson
(2) Jackson
(3) Wilson

(15) Steel co-operation of USA was established in:

(a) 1810
(b) 1876
(c) 1901

(16) Alexander Graham invented:

(a) Radio
(b) Steam engine
(c) Telephone

(17) Truman Doctrine was a document about:

(a) England
(b) Russia
(c) Germany

(18) 1st university to be found in USA was:

(a) Harvard
(b) Yale
(c) Columbia

(19) 1st capital of USA was:

(a) New York

(b) Washington
(c) Philadelphia

(20) Who said this? Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country:

(a) Washington
(b) Lincoln
(c) Kennedy

History of USA 2007

(1) Columbus discovered the New World in:

(a) 1096
(b) 1295
(c) 1492
(d) 1493

(2) Jamestown was founded in:

(a) 1607
(b) 1616
(c) 1919
(d) 1628

(3) In 1602:

(a) Pope Draw’s demarcation line
(b) Harvard College is established
(c) Hudson explores Hudson River
(d) Pilgrims land at Plymouth
(e) None of these

(4) George Washington became president in:

(a) 1781
(b) 1789
(c) 1801
(d) 1804

(5) Thomas Jefferson was the ________ president of America.

(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) Fifth

(6) The 1783 treaty of Paris that defined original border of the United States was with:

(a) France
(b) Portugal
(c) Spain
(d) Great Britain 

(7) The Louisiana purchase completed in 1803 was negotiated by:

(a) George Washington
(b) James Madison
(c) Robert Livingston
(d) Martin Van Buren

(8) The treaty of 1819 with Spain, that resulted in Spain’s cession of East Florida, Sabine Free State and surrender of Spain’s claim to Oregon State was called the:

(a) Rush-Bagot Agreement
(b) Adams-Onis Treaty
(c) Missouri Compromise
(d) Panama Congress

(9) Virgin Islands were purchased from:

(a) Spain
(b) Denmark
(c) Portugal
(d) Great Britain
(e) None of these

(10) The Virgin Islands were bought for US $:

(a) 25
(b) 250
(c) 2500
(d) 25000
(e) None of these

(11) Which American president was elected for two non-consecutive terms:

(a) Chester A. Arthur
(b) Benjamin Harrison
(c) Grover Cleveland
(d) Woodrow Wilson

(12) Jimmy Carter was the President of the USA from:

(a) 1969-1974
(b) 1974-1977
(c) 1977-1981
(d) 1981-1989

(13) Give the correct order of the states’ entry into the Union:

(a) Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia
(b) Massachusetts, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland
(c) Maryland, Georgia, New Jersey, Texas
(d) New Hampshire, Virginia, Massachusetts, Georgia

(14) Which joined the Union after Alaska:

(a) Arizona
(b) Oklahoma
(c) Utah
(d) Hawaii 

(15) The BAY of PIGS invasion of Cuba happened during the Presidency of:

(a) Dwight D. Eisenhower
(b) Lyndon B. Johnson
(c) Richard Nixon
(d) John F. Kennedy

(16) The Declaration of Independence was formally adopted on:

(a) July 2, 1775
(b) July 4, 1776
(c) August 8, 1777

(17) The constitution of the United States of America was adopted in the period:

(a) 1681-1682
(b) 1764-1765
(c) 1787-1788

(18) In the amendments to the constitution of the USA freedom of religion, speech and the press and right to assembly are protected by:

(a) First Amendment
(b) Second Amendment
(c) Third Amendment
(d) Fifth Amendment

(19) The National security of the USA is a document prepared by the:

(a) Executive Branch
(b) House of Representative
(c) Senate
(d) Brookings institute

(20) “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed,” is the:

(a) First amendment
(b) Second amendment
(c) Sixth amendment

History of USA 2008

(1)The colony of Virginia was founded in 1607 by :

(a) Captain Robert
(b) Christopher Columbus
(c) Johan Smith
(d) Scott Barlow

(2)The colony of New Netherland, founded by the Dutch in 1621, came under English rule in 1664 and was renamed: 

(a) New Hampshire
(b) New Found Land
(c) New York
(d) New Mexico

(3)The first ten amendments to the American Constitution are known as: 

(a) Bill of rights
(b) Citizen demands
(c) Governments regulations

(4)A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed, is the:

(a) First amendment
(b) Second amendment
(c) Tenth amendment

(5) The confusion at the time of Jefferson’s election was corrected by the adoption in 1804 of the:

(a) First amendment
(b) Eleventh amendment
(c) Twelveth amendment
(d) Thirteenth amendment

(6) The Navigation Act was passed in:

(a) 1660
(b) 1760
(c) 1860

(7) The PENDLIETON Act, an act to regulate and improve the civil service of the United States, was enacted on:

(a) May 11, 1871
(b) June 19, 1872
(c) September 20, 1881
(d) January 16, 1883

(8) President Roosevelt proclaimed an unlimited emergency on:

(a) May 27, 1941
(b) May 27, 1942
(c) May 27, 1945

(9) The Atlantic Charter of August 14, 1941 was a statement of common war aims formulated between:

(a) Roosevelt and Hitler
(b) Roosevelt and Degaulle
(c) Hiter and Degaulle
(d) Roosevelt and Winston Churchill

(10) The United States of America formally declared war on Germany on:

(a) December 8, 1941
(b) December 12, 1941
(c) January 20, 1942
(d) None of these

(11)The BAY of PIGs invasion of Cuba happened during the Presidency of:

(a) Dwight D Eisenhower
(b) John F Kenedy
(c) Richard Nixon

(12) Herbert Hoover became President of the USA in:

(a) 1928
(b) 1929
(c) 1930

(13) The National security of the USA is a document prepared by the: 

(a) Senate
(b) House of representative
(c) Executive Branch 

(14) The first President of USA from 1787-1797 was:

(a) George Washington 
(b) John Adams
(c) James Maclison

(15) William Harrison was the president of US in the period: 

(a) 1817-1825
(b) 1829-1837
(c) 1841-1850
(d) 1850-1853

(16) The 40th President of the USA was: 

(a) George Bush
(b) Gerald Rudolph Ford
(c) Jimmy Carter
(d) Ronald Wilson Reagon

(17) Dwight D Eisenhower served two terms in office from 1953-1961. Who was his vice-President?

(a) Christian A. Herter
(b) Gerald R. Ford
(c) John Foster Dulles
(d) Richard Nixon

(18) Which President of the USA resigned from the office in his second term?

(a) Abraham Lincoln
(b) Jimmy Carter
(c) Richard Nixon
(d) Zachary Taylor

(19) United States of America joined with Western European nations to form North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in:

(a) 1949
(b) 1951
(c) 1954

(20) The 25th amendment providing for Presidential succession was ratified by states in:

(a) 1965
(b) 1966
(c) 1967
(d) 1976

History of USA 2009

(1) During his first voyage, Columbus accidentally landed at the:

(a) Virgin Islands 
(b) Hawaiian Islands 
(c) Watlings Island in the Bahamas
(d) Northern Mariana Islands 

(2) Which of the following English Colonies in America was named after Queen Elizabeth?

(a) Maryland 
(b) Florida 
(c) Virginia
(d) Georgia 

(3) Which of the following States in the United States of America was famous for its gold mines?

(a) Maryland 
(b) Vermont 
(c) California
(d) Massachusetts 

(4) The first permanent and successful English Colony in America, Jamestown Virginia, was founded in the year:

(a) 1492 
(b) 1592 
(c) 1607
(d) 1707 

(5) The Pilgrims from England reached Plymouth (New England) in a ship called:

(a) Nina 
(b) Pinta 
(c) Mayflower
(d) Leopard 

(6) Which one of the following leaders of American Revolution was also a scientist, a printer, a satirist and a political philosopher?

(a) Samuel Adams 
(b) John Adams 
(c) Benjamin Franklin
(d) Thomas Jefferson 

(7) How many political parties are mentioned by name in the U.S. Constitution?

(a) One 
(b) Two 
(c) Three
(d) Four 

(8) The Bill of Rights was incorporated in the U.S. Constitution in the year:

(a) 1787 
(b) 1789 
(c) 1790
(d) 1791 

(9) Who was elected as President of the Confederacy when the seceding Southern Slave State announced their secession from United States of America and founded the Confederate States of America in 1861?

(a) Thomas Jefferson 
(b) Jefferson Davis 
(c) James Madison
(d) Aaron Burr 

(10) In which capacity did Alexander Hamilton work with George Washington, the first President of United States of America:

(a) Secretary of Defense
(b) Secretary of State 
(c) Secretary of Treasury
(d) Attorney General 

(11) One of the first two political factions in United States, the Democratic Republicans, was led by:

(a) Jefferson Davis 
(b) Alexander Hamilton 
(c) Thomas Jefferson
(d) George Washington 

(12) The Treaty of Paris in 1783 fixed the Western boundary of the United States at the River:

(a) Missouri 
(b) Kentucky 
(c) Mississippi
(d) Potomac 

(13) During Jefferson’s Presidency, Robert R. Livingstone was the U.S. Minister to:

(a) England 
(b) Spain 
(c) France
(d) Russia 

(14) Under which treaty United States acquired Florida from Spain?

(a) Treaty of Paris 
(b) Adams-Onis Treaty 
(c) Pinckney’s Treaty
(d) Jay’s Treaty 

(15) Which of the American Presidents won four consecutive presidential elections and remained president for the longest period of time:

(a) Theodore Roosevelt 
(b) Woodrow Wilson 
(c) Franklin Delano Roosevelt
(d) Harry S. Truman 

(16) Alaska was acquired by United States from:
(a) Spain 
(b) England 
(c) Canada
(d) Russia 

(17) Which of the American presidents was responsible for the Apollo Project that resulted in the man’s landing on the surface of moon?

(a) Dwight David Eisenhower
(b) John F. Kennedy 
(c) Lyndon Baines Johnson
(d) Richard Nixon 

(18) Which of the American Presidents was present at the time of the signing of the Camp David Accords between Egypt and Israel?

(a) John F. Kennedy 
(b) Richard Nixon 
(c) Jimmy Carter
(d) Ronald Reagan 

(19) Which of the American presidents called the former Soviet Union “An Evil Empire”?

(a) Richard Nixon 
(b) Jimmy Carter 
(c) Ronald Reagan
(d) George Herbert Walker Bush 

(20) Which one of the American presidents remained the head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) before becoming the president?

(a) Richard Nixon 
(b) Jimmy Carter 
(c) George Herbert Walker Bush
(d) Gerald Rudolph Ford

History of USA 2010

(1) The Pilgrim reached Plymouth in:

(a) 1616
(b) 1620
(c) 1630

(2) Thomas Jafferson wrote ‘Declaration of Independence’ in:

(a) 1774
(b) 1776 
(c) 1777

(3) Boston Tea Party was an act of:

(a) Serving Tea in a Party
(b) Exporting Tea to France
(c) Throwing Tea into the water 

(4) The Americans signed a Treaty of alliance with France in:

(a) 1775
(b) 1777
(c) 1778 

(5) General Cornwallis Surren dies at:

(a) New York
(b) Boston
(c) York Town
(d) None of these

(6) The Constitution of USA was adopted in:

(a) 1783
(b) 1789
(c) 1790
(d) None of these

(7) George Washington was elected as the President of America for the first time in:

(a) 1785
(b) 1787
(c) 1789 

(8) The first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of America was:

(a) John Marshal
(b) John Jay 
(c) J. Adams

(9) The first capital of the United States of America was:

(a) New York 
(b) James Town
(c) Washington

(10) The statue of Liberty was donated to USA by:

(a) Germany
(b) Italy
(c) France 

(11) Locomotive was invented by Peter Couper in:

(a) 1820
(b) 1830
(c) 1835

(12) United States of America Steel Corporation was established in:

(a) 1891
(b) 1897
(c) 1901 

(13) America entered World War-I in:

(a) 1915
(b) 1917 
(c) 1918

(14) Alva Edison invented Phonograph in:

(a) 1872
(b) 1876
(c) 1878
(d) None of these

(15) Elijah Muhammad assumed leadership of the Black Muslims Movement in:

(a) 1930 
(b) 1934
(c) 1936

(16) Korean war started in:

(a) 1948
(b) 1950 
(c) 1953

(17) D. David Eisenhower was elected U.S. President (I term) in:

(a) 1950
(b) 1952 
(c) 1953

(18) Who had said, ‘Ask not what your country do for you’, say what you can do for your country?

(a) George Washington
(b) Abraham Lincoln
(c) John F. Kennedy 

(19) Martin Luther King won the Novel Peace Prize in:

(a) 1958
(b) 1960
(c) 1964 

(20) American Troops finally left Vietnam after the end of the war in:

(a) 1970
(b) 1973 
(c) 1975
History of USA 2011
(i) During the Cuban Crisis, President Kennedy demanded:
(a) A “quarantine” to stop ships carrying offensive weapons to Cuba
(b) The removal of Russian strategic missiles 
(c) Both of these
(d) None of these

(ii) The American commitment to prevent spread of Communism was expressed in:
(a) The Marshal Plan
(b) The Truman Doctrine
(c) The Yalta Declaration
(d) All of these 
(e) None of these

(iii) Europe’s rapid economic recovery after World War II was mainly due to:
(a) Truman Doctrine
(b) Big Four Conference
(c) Marshall Plan 
(d) All of these
(e) None of these

(iv) Which of the following pertains to American involvement in World War II?
(a) Lend Lease Act
(b) Atlantic Charter
(c) Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbour 
(d) All of these
(e) None of these

(v) A major difference between World War I and World War II was:
(a) A global involvement
(b) American intervention
(c) War strategy and weapons 
(d) All of these
(e) None of these

(vi) Which of the following was a reason for the Great Depression?
(a) Weakness in American Banking System
(b) International Economic imbalance of trade
(c) Low American wages gave inadequate purchasing power to support excessive capital investment
(d) All of these 
(e) None of these

(vii) The “White man’s burden” refers to:
(a) A belief in the equality of all races of man
(b) The assumed “Superiority of the white race with obligation to guide and develop “inferior” races
(c) European isolation policies (d) All of these (e) None of these

(viii) The North American colonies enjoyed economic success because of:
(a) Hardworking populations 

(b) The practice of monoculture on plantations
(c) The use of slave labour 
(d) All of these
(e) None of these

(ix) During the height of European emigration between 1900 and 1910 most emigrants settled in:
(a) Australia
(b) New Zealand
(c) South America
(d) All of these
(e) None of these

(x) The Americas changed from continents inhabited by people of mongoloid stock to:
(a) The most racially mixed region of the world
(b) Completely Indo-European Stock
(c) Majority Negroid Stock
(d) All of these 
(e) None of these

(xi) Large scale African slavery began as a means of:
(a) Dispersing the captives of African warfare
(b) Dispersing populations from overcrowded areas
(c) Supplying labour for New World plantations 
(d) All of these
(e) None of these

(xii) In addition to natural harbours and a hospitable climate, America was easily accessible because of its:
(a) Well developed interior waterways 
(b) Exclusive Western deserts
(c) Well travelled interior routes
(d) All of these
(e) None of these

(xiii) Eighteenth amendment pertained to:
(a) Abolition of slavery
(b) Extension of suffrage to women
(c) Popular election of senators
(d) Right to keep and bear arms
(e) None of these

(xiv) Fourteenth amendment pertained to:
(a) Definition of citizenship 
(b) Appointment of Representatives in Congress
(c) Validity of public debt
(d) All of these
(e) None of these

(xv) In 1989 Summit meeting between Bush and Gorbachev was held in:
(a) Yalta
(b) Malta 
(c) Camp David
(d) Tehran
(e) None of these

(xvi) Civil Rights Act was passed in:
(a) 1962
(b) 1966
(c) 1862
(d) 1866 
(e) None of these

(xvii) In March 2001 George Bush announced rejection of Kyoto Protocol of:
(a) 1995
(b) 1996
(c) 1997 
(d) 1998
(e) None of these

(xviii) President Carter secured senate ratification of treaties to return Panama Canal to Panama by:
(a) 1997
(b) 1999
(c) 2000 
(d) 2001
(e) None of these

(xix) The Fair Deal was name, given to ____ programme of Harry Truman.
(a) Foreign
(b) Security
(c) Domestic 
(d) All of these
(e) None of these

(xx) First shipload of Negroes landed in Virginia in:
(a) 1619 
(b) 1570
(c) 1487
(d) 1729
(e) None of these

History of USA 2012

1. FDR highest vote in which term? 

2nd Term

2. Harvard was established in which year? 

3. How many states signed Declaration of Independence? 
13 Colonies

4. Ronald Reagan said Evil Empire about which state? 


5. Fourth Constitution Amendment is about? 
Search and Seizure

6. Paris Treaty in which year?

7. First US Consensus in which year? 

8. Fourteen points of Wilson deals with? 


10. NASA US space shuttle Colombia in which year? 

11. Intermediate Range Nuclear Treaty signed between Reagan and Gorbachev in which year?

12. I have a dream speech by Martin Luther in which year? 

13. Capital Punishment in America is followed in how many states? 

14. Malcolm X killed in which year?

15. National Organization of Women was established in which year?

17. American Bar Association established in ??

18. miranda rule pertains to 
warn you in advance before arresting you

19. Truman doctrine was to contain communism in 
Greece and Turkey

20. Reader Digest was introduced in America in

History of USA 2013

Q.1.(i) Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate Circle on the OMR Answer Sheet. (20x1=20)
(ii) Answers given anywhere, other than OMR Answer Sheet, shall not be considered.

1.In his first voyage to the New World, Christopher Columbus first landed in:
(a) Cuba
(b) Trinidad
(c) Bahamas
(d) None of these

2.Pinckney’s Treaty was signed by the U.S. with:
(a) Britain
(b) France
(c) Spain
(d) None of these

3.Burr Conspiracy took place in the time of:
(a) Washington
(b) Jefferson
(c) Jackson
(d) None of these

4.Nullification crisis was about:
(a) Tariffs
(b) Slavery
(c) New states
(d) None of these

5. Gadsden Pinchase took place in:
(a) 1852
(b) 1843
(c) 1875
(d) None of these it was in 1853/54

6. Louisiana Pinchase lost the U.S.:
(a) $16 million
(b) $18 million
(c) $15 million
(d) None of these

7. Monticello is located in:
(a) Virginia
(b) Washington
(c) Maryland
(d) None of these

8. Lewis and Clark were sent on an expedition by:
(a) Washington
(b) Jefferson
(c) Adams
(d) None of these

9. Harriet Becher Stowe got renown by writing about:
(a) Revolution
(b) Social evils
(c) Slavery
(d) None of these

10. Which of the following presidents served in U.S. army as General?
(a) William Harrison
(b) Zachary Taylor
(c) Wlysses Grant
(d) All of these
(e) None of these

11.Charles Lindbergh was a famous:
(a) Senator
(b) Author
(c) Pilot
(d) All of these
(e) None of these

12.“Model T” was introduced by:
(a) Ford
(b) Carnegie
(c) Gompers
(d) None of these

13.Which of the following Presidents were also Vice-President?
(a) Andrew Johnson
(b) Richard Nixon
(c) Lyndon Johnson
(d) All of these
(e) None of these

14. D-Day was:
(a)June 9, 1944
(b) March 6, 1945
(c) June 6, 1944
(d) None of these

15.An important Anglo-American Conference took place in January 1943 at:
(a) Cairo
(b) Casablanca
(c) Normandy
(d) None of these

16.George Marshall delivered his Marshall Plan speech at:
(a) LINO
(b) Congress
(c) Harvard University
(d) None of these

17.President Kennedy was assassinated in:
(a) Houston
(b) New Orleans
(c) Memphis
(d) None of these Texas

18.Man landed on the moon on:
(a) 21 July 1969
(b) 19 September 1969
(c) 21 October 1968
(d) None of these

19. 60s in America were known for:
(a) New left
(b) Counter culture
[B](c) Vietnam war
(d) All of these
(e) None of these

20. U.S. supported Contra rebels against the government of:
(a) Honduras
(b) Cuba
(c) Nicaragua
(d) None of these
History of USA 2018 mcqs

1. when Florida was explored-1513
2. when was James town founded-1607
3. Stamp Act was passed in-1765
4. France treaty with US-1778
5. US constitution date-1787
6. when US mint was established-1792
7. year without summer in US-1816
8. when Spain ceded Florida-1898
9. when US bought Alaska-1867
10.Coca Cola invented in-1892
11.Pepsi was invented in -1898
12.7-UP was invented in -1929
13.Titanic sank in-1912
14.Time Magazine was started in-1923
15.Pact of Paris was signed in-1928
16.When US occupied Iceland-1941
17.National Organization for Women was founded in-1966
18.When US and USSR signed INF treaty-1987
19.Financial Bailout date-2008
20.Cost of US-Afghan war-1.07 Trillion

1 comment:

  1. MCQs aur just upto 2010, will be obliged to see all MCQs upto 2018.
